Anyway... here are a few things I've been up to lately... some recent Good Will finds...and one thing from Uncle Hunk's Junk ... I love 'em... not sure yet what I'll do with the giant speaker thing...but it was too cool to pass up, and it was 25% off, so HOW, oh HOW could I pass THAT up??

And then I have these really cool clocks too that I found... The bigger one has clock faces on all four sides, and the other smaller one, which
is leather covered, just has a clock on the front side. It's been good deal days for me in my shopping excursions lately!!

And here is a start to an idea for the "9/11 Forgive" assemblage. Here it is laid out, not yet permanent, so things
may change, and I already know I am adding some words from The Lord's Prayer to one part... "forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us..."

More to come in the next few days......
1 comment:
very kewl clocks!!! Bummer about Uncle Hunks huh? I love the start of your 9-11 piece.
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