Kid's Pizza & Bowling with The Prather's. |
Over the last 15 months, our Church has been in the search process to find a new priest.
We have been praying, a LOT! Discerning, and doing interviews via phone, and some in person with candidates we have been given.
We wondered if we'd EVER find a new Rector... and we didn't want to just "settle" for someone because it had been a long while. So, we prayed even more, and waited.
Jude, Fr. Joel & Tammy with "flat Jesus" |
THEN, we were given a resume of a priest, who was from N. IL originally, but now in a parish in Texas that he and his wife helped start. Sounded interesting, and so we began the process... an email, phone calls, and a phone interview with the Search Committee, then some of our Committee went to visit him in his parish in TX, and after hearing about that, discussions with the Search Committee and the Vestry, and more prayer, we decided to ask the family to come to Delavan to see our Church, meet the people and hope and pray for a match that would bless all of us... and it DID!! It was a really busy, but blessed weekend with the Prather family. Such wonderful people, with a heart for God, and wonderful spiritual gifts that will surely bless us all, and I think we also have a lot to share in the ministry as well, and hope to be a blessing to them as well!
Senior Warden Pat and myself, excited that Fr Joel accepted the invitation to be our priest. Here he is signing the agreement covenants. |
Ministry Leaders Dinner on Sunday night A celebration of our mutual agreements, excited to have Fr. Joel, Tammy & Jude at Christ Church! |
It is very exciting to be nearing the end of this search process - this is the 3rd search I've been involved with, on committees, and Fr. Joel will be the 5th priest I've served with at Christ Church. We are ALL so looking forward to the mutual ministry we will share...disciples making disciples!
Looking forward to the time when the Prather's will be here... (maybe 2 months or so), and praying for their current parish... has to be a bittersweet time for them all as well. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayers!