When I was in high school literature class I remember reading a short story that has forever stuck with me, Silent Snow, Secret Snow. I loved that story, and I loved dissecting it in class and writing what I thought about it all. I think, in some strange way, I related to the boy, Paul, as well. Paul often heard the postman walking outside on the sidewalk, except for one morning, when the footsteps were muffled, by the snow which had fallen during the night and silenced the postman's steps. This is a picture of our front steps, and the mailbox on the outside porch.
Today we are in the midst of the biggest snow storm of this winter season, we've already received well over a foot of snow since last night, and it's still coming down...steadily, quietly...."..(the)snow starts coming faster and is getting deeper...."
I went to work for a few hours, and when I came home, I went out and took pictures of the snow, the neighboorhood, the trees...
"The snow has become beautiful, yet paralyzing. He thinks that nothing has ever given him so much pleasure. As he counts the houses on his street..."

In "Silent Snow, Secret Snow," sanity is defined as the ability to function in the everyday world and interact with people. Conversely, insanity is measured by the degree to which one is unfamiliar with everyday occurrences and the inability to communicate with others.
I think I'll go and get this book and re-read it again... and perhaps I'll make an assemblage based on it too....should be an interesting one!
...till then, the snow has shut down the schools today, and a lot of businesses, but our Ash Wednesday services are still on... the one this morning had a few hardy souls who managed to get there... not sure what tonite's will number, especially since the silent snow keeps adding up... and up.. and up....
"The snow is talking to him now, saying that when they are alone, it will tell him a story and pile high against the door to keep every one else out of his room."
(Don't worry, I'm not nuts... I'm just a little crazy! bwwhahaha..*S*)

Now, if I can figure out how to grill the steaks tonite when the grill is covered in snow!! *L*
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