Here is something I'm sending in for a Call to Artists at The Episcopal Church and Visual Arts site. There is still time for others to send in an entry...check it out!! Nov. 1st is the deadline for entries.
"The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned." Isaiah 9: 2 and Matthew 4:16 have held a special place in my heart. Many years ago, just before Christmas, my husband's step-father took his life. As I mourned his death, and what must have been the agony he had been in, God's words in those passages comforted me. Louie was a Christian, but he was in the dark despair of depression. God seemed to be reminding me that Louie knew Jesus as his Lord, his Savior, as the Light and somehow I knew that I would see Louie again in heaven.
This piece reflects Jesus as The Light, that came into the world, FOR the world ...who came to die, so we can live.... lighting the way for those who reach out to Him, out of our own personal darkness, whatever it may be.
i love it. i think it is perfect, simple and beautiful. it has a spirit to it, that is also a slight bit eery.
Thanks Kasey, I think it looks better in real time than in the photo...but I'm happy with how it turned out. *S*
This piece is amazing and so inspiring!!!I had a question about ECVA. I applied and was accepted as a member, and thanks to your inspiration, submitted a piece for this call. I received an email saying they received my submission, but will they email with an acceptance into the show, or not prior to the Nov 30?
(sorry to ask here, but I could not find your email addy)
Yes, they will email you prior to Nov. 30th. I was accepted in their last Call to Artists for Portrait of Self, and they sent me an email with a press release kind of thing you could forward to whoever you wanted to. That is so cool that you have submitted an entry...can't wait to see it, I bet you'll be a part of the online gallery showing!
Awww shucks, I hope so. I am going to post it on my blog later tonight so you will be able to see it. Thanks for the inspiration!!
UPDATE: The entries that were accepted at ECVA's recent Call to Artists are now posted at the website http://www.ecva.org/ Check out the great entries there!
Unfortunately I didn't make the cut with either of my entries...Jesus, The Light of the World, or The Annunciation - The Adventus. Shucks!! Maybe next time? On a bright note however, they do feature a close up detail of my Annunciation torso on the home page of the Artist Registry at ECVA ... I'm thankful to be honored in that way. http://theartistsregistry.camp7.org/
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