Adam's Rib - Rib Cook-Off
& Dinner
Saturday, September 17th
5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
at Christ Episcopal Church
503 E. Walworth Ave., Delavan, WI
Featuring Competion in Women's, Men's & Kids under 18 Categories.
$200 Grand Prize for overall best ribs! Other Prizes & Awards too in each Category.
Also a Side Dish Entry Contest - People's Choice Awards for best desserts & side dish entries.
1st - 3rd Prizes and Awards.
Pre-Paid Dinner Tickets are: Adults $4, Children (10 & under) $2
Contestant Entry Fee for the Rib Cook-Off is $5 (includes 1 dinner ticket)
Rib Cook-Off Contestants must also provide one cooked slab of Ribs.
Deadline for Rib Cook-Off Contestants is Friday, Sept. 9, 2011
Contestant Entry Fee for the Side Dish Entry is one paid Adult Dinner Ticket of $4
Tickets at the door prices are $5 Adults, $3 Children (10 & under).
For a complete list of rules and information, along with an entry form call Christ Church at 262-728-5292, or email us at christchurch@pensys.com
Or check our website too under Special Events at www.christepiscopalchurchofdelavanwi.org
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