Life, so they say, is but a game and we let it slip away.
Love, like the Autumn sun, should be dyin' but it's only just begun.
Like the twilight in the road up ahead, they don't see just where we're goin'.
And all the secrets in the Universe, whisper in our ears
And all the years will come and go, take us up, always up.
We may never pass this way again.
We may never pass this way again.
We may never pass this way again.
Dreams, so they say, are for the fools and they let 'em drift away.
Peace, like the silent dove, should be flyin' but it's only just begun.
Like Columbus in the olden days, we must gather all our courage.
Sail our ships out on the open sea. Cast away our fears
And all the years will come and go, and take us up, always up.
We may never pass this way again.
We may never pass this way again.
We may never pass this way again.
So, I wanna laugh while the laughin' is easy.
I wanna cry if it makes it worthwhile.
We may never pass this way again, that's why I want it with you.
'Cause, you make me feel like I'm more than a friend.
Like I'm the journey and you're the journey's end.
We may never pass this way again, that's why I want it with you, baby.
We may never pass this way again.
We may never pass this way again.
We may never pass this way again.
We may never pass this way again.
As I was driving home from Milwaukee tonite, after picking up the newsletter that I had transmitted early this morning, I decided to take some back country roads home and enjoy the drive and the evening sunset. It was so pretty, I was also listening to some "golden oldies" on the radio and this song by Seals & Crofts came on.... it got me thinking that I would NEVER, EVER pass this way again, I'd never have this moment again in my life.... sure, I might drive this road again, and I might enjoy other sunsets, but this particular moment would never come again.
I started feeling melancholy, and sad in a way... and thinking about my life.. I just turned 54 years old a few weeks ago... I figure I have about 20 good years left... and heck, if those 20 years zip by as fast as the last 20 years did, I'll be dead as a doornail in the blink of an eye.
I don't wanna be dead (how is a doornail dead anyway?..*L*, was a doornail ever alive?? *ha*)
I am already feeling like I am missing what will come after my 20 years or so I have left... I already miss my kids, my family, my grandkids, those already here, and those yet to come.. I'll miss this life.
I have a good life...even though at times I complain a lot... I am VERY thankful for what God has blessed me with. Anyway... I will never come this way again either... and ya know, that's sad, to think about in a way... *sigh*
I just hope to make a difference in some way, with the years I'll have left.
Currently listening : Seals & Crofts - Greatest Hits By Seals & Crofts Release date: 25 October, 1990
Friday, September 28, 2007
It's Friday so it MUST be grandson day!!
I have a feeling it's gonna be a looooong day... started out getting up at 5:30 and heading to work to use a program I needed to change my newsletter, that I finished last nite at 1 a.m., to a pdf file, then headed over to the parking lot at Panera Bread to use their high speed connection to transmit it... hoping all the while I wouldn't see anyone cuz I had just rolled out of bed, without combing my hair or washing my face in order to get that done before the grandsons came at 7. Mission accomplished...

....and the grandson day begins.... *S*
Josh tried out the horse outfit I found for him to play with, and is a regular cowpoke.. *L*

So now Jeff is taking a nap, and gramma is wishing she could too! *L*
Josh (the 3 yr. old) and I have been having a funny, and somewhat heated discussion (on his part), he is telling me that from now on when he goes to the store with me he is NOT sitting in a cart... his mom says NO, I don't have to and when she says NO, she means it. ..*L* He says he is NOT a baby so therefore (he actually used that word - therefore), he is NOT sitting in a cart! L*... too funny.... I told him the rule here is he DOES sit in a cart with gramma, but when he's with his mom he does what she says he can do. He just looked at me as if to say, "Yeah? We'll just wait and see!" *L*
ahhh, the life and worries of a 3 year old, and a gramma, eh?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
A Looooong Day & A Pain in the ___________
________ Fill in the blank...*L*
Today was a killer day, but it actually ended pretty well... just a very long one, that I'm glad is coming to an end.
Today I had a Christian Formation meeting at Nashotah in the AM, had to rush from there to the Spine Care Clinic in Milwaukee to meet John (who my dad had taken to his appointment to find out what was going on with his severe pain in the back problems that have been going on for 6 days since he slipped).
John saw the surgeon, who immediately ordered x-rays, and then sent us off to another clinic nearby for a CT scan. Then back to the surgeon to wait on the results, which they told us would probably take about 30 minutes after the scan was finished.... WRONGO, finally 2 1/2 hours later, we were able to find out that all John's bones and the fusion (screws and rods in his back) are doing well, and healing well.
His b
ack pain was from twisting when he slipped causing a severe muscle sprain. He will probably have another week of pain before it gets better, the doctor said. At least it's not something that requires more surgery, for that we are thankful, and John isn't as scared now either that he'll mess his back up for life if he moves wrong.
So, finally at 4:45 we were back on the highway heading home... got the patient back in the house and had to turn around and head back to Milwaukee for my Youth Commission meeting at 6:30... made it there with a minute to spare too!! Just call me Speed-Demon! *L*
The two meetings today went pretty well, and I was home in time to pick up John's prescription before Walgreen's closed for the night... guess the good-timing angels were looking out for me today.. *S*
So, for now, it's back to taking it easy, taking the meds, using the walker and praying that his pain gets less, and his back gets stronger.
And, guess I continue to try to fatten him up with banana splits, which he loves, and good cookin' too!
Thanks to all for the well wishes and prayers... we love you!
Today was a killer day, but it actually ended pretty well... just a very long one, that I'm glad is coming to an end.
Today I had a Christian Formation meeting at Nashotah in the AM, had to rush from there to the Spine Care Clinic in Milwaukee to meet John (who my dad had taken to his appointment to find out what was going on with his severe pain in the back problems that have been going on for 6 days since he slipped).
John saw the surgeon, who immediately ordered x-rays, and then sent us off to another clinic nearby for a CT scan. Then back to the surgeon to wait on the results, which they told us would probably take about 30 minutes after the scan was finished.... WRONGO, finally 2 1/2 hours later, we were able to find out that all John's bones and the fusion (screws and rods in his back) are doing well, and healing well.
His b

So, finally at 4:45 we were back on the highway heading home... got the patient back in the house and had to turn around and head back to Milwaukee for my Youth Commission meeting at 6:30... made it there with a minute to spare too!! Just call me Speed-Demon! *L*
The two meetings today went pretty well, and I was home in time to pick up John's prescription before Walgreen's closed for the night... guess the good-timing angels were looking out for me today.. *S*
So, for now, it's back to taking it easy, taking the meds, using the walker and praying that his pain gets less, and his back gets stronger.
And, guess I continue to try to fatten him up with banana splits, which he loves, and good cookin' too!
Thanks to all for the well wishes and prayers... we love you!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Update... 1/2 step forward....
The doctor told us he thinks it's a pulled muscle and / or a bad muscle spasm that John is dealing with... soooo, for now, it's valium, extra strength Tylenol, and hot and cold compresses, rest in either the bed or recliner and lots of prayers.
John hasn't left the recliner, upstairs, since this morning, and he is comfortable as long as he doesn't move around a lot. He is wearing his brace again, and we have the walker back incase he needs to walk to the bathroom. The surgeon will be checking back later today or tomorrow morning to see how the patient is doing.
Prayers are very much appreciated... thanks in advance for them, we are very thankful.
Love, Roberta
John hasn't left the recliner, upstairs, since this morning, and he is comfortable as long as he doesn't move around a lot. He is wearing his brace again, and we have the walker back incase he needs to walk to the bathroom. The surgeon will be checking back later today or tomorrow morning to see how the patient is doing.
Prayers are very much appreciated... thanks in advance for them, we are very thankful.
Love, Roberta
Two steps forward....ONE STEP BACK...
Whelp, looks like today is starting out as a "step back" day.... This morning at about 2:00 a.m. John tried to get out of bed to go to the bathroom, and his hand slipped, he caught himself, but evidently twisted his back, or did something to mess it up. He was in a lot of pain, and went back to bed, but then had to get up again around 4 a.m. and he could barely get out of bed...when he did, he felt like something was stabbing him in the back, he called for me to come (I can't sleep all night with him because my tossing and turning causes him pain when the bed moves)... I found him in a great deal of pain, so much so he was about ready to pass out... I felt sick myself...and after he laid down, I had to stop myself from getting sick from worry..... Not knowing what to do, I decided to call the hospital number in Milwaukee to ask about what we should do. The on call doctor called back after the nurse had taken a bunch of info from me, and he talked to John, told him to take a Valium, lay down, and rest... then call the clinic this morning for an appointment... sooo, we are now waiting for the clinic to open to call them... and looks like we'll be taking a trip into Milwaukee.
Please pray that this is just something minor...we are scared it's something bad - John said if felt like something "ripped" in his back, inside... hopefully it's something that with rest will get better?
So, here are some encouraging quotes... hope they help you like they help me... even if it's just to give a smile.
~ "When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. " ~
Franklin D. Roosevelt
~ "I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind.Some come from ahead and some come from behind.But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see.Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!" ~
Dr. Seuss
~ "Fall seven times, stand up eight." ~
Japanese Proverb
~ "If you're going through hell, keep going. " ~
Winston Churchill
~ "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." ~
Deuteronomy 31:6
~ "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." ~
Isaiah 41:10
Please pray that this is just something minor...we are scared it's something bad - John said if felt like something "ripped" in his back, inside... hopefully it's something that with rest will get better?
So, here are some encouraging quotes... hope they help you like they help me... even if it's just to give a smile.
~ "When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. " ~
Franklin D. Roosevelt
~ "I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind.Some come from ahead and some come from behind.But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see.Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!" ~
Dr. Seuss
~ "Fall seven times, stand up eight." ~
Japanese Proverb
~ "If you're going through hell, keep going. " ~
Winston Churchill
~ "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." ~
Deuteronomy 31:6
~ "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." ~
Isaiah 41:10
Monday, September 17, 2007
A Collage Gift from my Daughter...

Thanks Kasey, I LOVE YOU!!
Hey, here's an idea...maybe someday, when we're both older and RICHER, we can go into business together, you selling your great collages and photos, and me with my assemblages....ha!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Vintage Star Torso continued...

Inside the door it says, "What is love? It is the morning and the evening star." This phrase is said
by the character Elmer Gantry in the movie: Elmer Gantry, 1960 (Richard Brooks, director and screenwriter, from the 1927 novel by Sinclair Lewis). Burt Lancaster plays Elmer as a salesman/con man/evangelist. This phrase is his all-purpose seduction line, for both individuals and groups. It’s not till the end of the movie, though, that he understands what it really means.

Some say you can use this phrase to acknowledge your own hopeless romanticism.
I think this piece WILL be sort of a romantic piece.. kind of like the morning and evening star, I think I'll love it if it turns out the way I am hoping. *S*
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Another Year Older & Deeper in Debt... and Gesso...

Okay, I want to get a layer of gray and silver tissue paper on this torso before I head into work.... *poofs to Mod Podge*
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Guitar Assemblage Finished!

Here is the finished product... all sides. This was a fun assemblage to do. I ended up putting 13 coats of polycrylic on the guitar body, then adding the wooden hands and feet, and a weather forecaster gage thingy in the center hole, just for something different. It IS a bit different, but I like how it turned out.
Sooo... on to my next project ....more to come...
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Planters - some easy assemblages, of sorts.

Here are some planters I made to donate to a church raffle next weekend.
I picked up the chairs for $2 each (4 of them), took off the seats and the back insert and turned it into a planter. I liked the design of the metal chairs, it reminds me of a church window frame. I ad
ded an old tin shingle, from our church roof that was replaced several years ago, (see my blog entries from around April 16th for more items I made using the old tin shingles), I cut it to fit and epoxied it to the metal back. I added a planter and a fern and taaahh dahhh... an easy planter! It's already a bit rusty, so it goes well with the shingle which is weathered too, and if it rusts more over the years, the better it will be!

The other planter is a super easy one... I had this old replica of a pedal car that the grands
ons played with for a couple of years, it never really pedaled well, and the steering wheel broke off awhile ago... so, I added a planter and another fern and now it's a planter, ready to be won at the drawing next weekend!

Very simple...very easy...*S*
Friday, September 7, 2007
The lizard grandson & the guitar chandelier

Time to put the baby down for a nap, (he's staying with grandpa for a couple of hours) and time for me to take the other grandson and head to Milwaukee for some supplies for church...
More to come later....
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Guitar Assemblage - Still progressing...

The "feet", "hands", and other hardware will be kind of cool on it, I think. Can't wait to get it done! to do other work so I can get back to this soon.
More to come....
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