Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Update ....

The surgeon(s) came in about 6:30 a.m. this morning and said that John is having an MRI this morning (hopefully)...they will decide after reviewing those results and the other things when surgery will be... or if surgery will even take place. It depends some on whether the ligaments were damaged, etc. But there will NOT be surgery today... it could be as late as Thursday before they do surgery. So we will know more by this evening hopefully?

John is in pretty good spirits... receiving pain meds hourly, and didn't get much sleep last night...all the poking and testing, etc. they do woke him up hourly it seemed. He is thankful he gets to have some water and some breakfast this morning since there is no surgery today.

We are all thankful for the continued prayers from everyone too....
More updates when we know more...

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