Monday, May 25, 2009

Great Weekend - Thankful for our Service men and women & Happy Birthday to Jake, Josh & Jeff too!

We had a busy and fun weekend. Went to a wedding reception on Saturday, and to a birthday picnic after Church on Sunday. Our three grandson's birthdays are within a few weeks of each other, so we celebrated them all on Sunday. Our son and daughter in law have rented a permanent site for the summer and have their camper at Yogi Bear Park, where they have already been spending many weekends. We joined them for a birthday was WONDERFUL weather, and a fun time. Here are some photos from the day.

And today, Monday, it's been a relaxing day of doing not too much... I worked on the church newsletter for a few hours, watched old movies with the family and just recovered from the parties..*L*

Kasey and John went up to the cemetary for the Annual Memorial Day Program... here are a few photos she took there. Go to her blog Kasey K Photo to see more! We all thank the many men and women of the armed services who have served and some who have given their lives so that we could have the freedoms that we have. Thank you Lord for them ALL and bless those who continue to fight and are in harms way...keep them safe, I pray... (on all sides of conflicts).

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