Monday, June 25, 2007

Adam & Eve together...

Here are my Adam & Eve assemblages...almost finished, together for the camera. *L*
I still need to carve a rib bone for Adam, and anchor it in the space, maybe I'll go around that space with some kind of trim too? Not sure yet?... I need to put a few coats of polycrylic on each of them, anchor the apple in Eve and anchor the tailight/reflector in Adam's heart, and I think I am done?

Anyway, so far I'm really happy with how they've turned out. *S*
BUT... I have a newsletter deadline to meet, lots to do today... and tomorrow my Dad is having heart surgery... any pray-ers out there, please keep Jerry in your prayers, and my mom, Barb, too. Thanks so much for prayers on their behalf..

Off to work..... more to come....

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