I am done... yay!! Finished with both Adam & Eve. I've made wooden tags for each one too. One side says: Assemblages by Roberta. Assemblage is an artistic process in which a three-dimensional artistic composition is made from putting together found objects.Assemblage is the 3-dimensional cousin of collage. The origin of the word (in its artistic sense) can be traced back to the early 1950s, when Jean Dubuffet created a series of collages of butterfly wings, which he titled assemblages d'empreintes. Many artists had composed "assemblages" prior to that, Marcel Duchamp & Pablo Picasso
were two famous artists who found expression in & through their assemblage art.

The other side says: ADAM. The ADAM assemblage is created from a male mannequin torso. The material covered heart insert has an antique tail light inside. The side tin insert has a carved wooden rib bone. Adam is covered with pictures of Adam, Eve, snakes & leaves over blue tissue paper, finished off with 12 coats of polycrylic, and a br
ass apple on the top cap. Enjoy this unique assemblage creation by artist Roberta K_____, _______, WI _(email addy).

The Eve tag says: EVE. The EVE assemblage is created from a female mannequin torso. The insert is a wire basket with a wooden apple core & jointed wooded snake threaded through the basket & through the side of Eve. Inside is a sky scene. Eve is covered with pictures of Adam, Eve, snakes, apples & leaves over green tissue paper, finished off with 12 coats of polycrylic, and a brass apple on the top cap.Enjoy this unique assemblage creation by artist Roberta K_____, ______, WI.
So, now I am hoping to show them to a friend tomorrow and hopefully we can make an agreement to have them in his shop. I kind of hate to let these go, but I really don't have a place to keep them, and I'm already in the process of making another... .plus all my other ideas I need to bring to fruition too! *L*
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