Thursday, April 19, 2012

Women of the Bible - Part 2

If you are in the area on Saturday, April 28th, I invite you to come to a morning workshop called "Women of the Bible - Part 2".

We had the Rev. Anita Braden last Fall at Christ Church for Part 1 and it was a great morning of learning and sharing.    So, here's an invite for the workshop and luncheon coming up soon..... Hope to see YOU there!

Christ Church Women present....

Women of the Bible - PART II
Saturday, April 28, 2012 * 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

held at
Christ Episcopal Church
503 E. Walworth, Delavan, WI   262-728-5292

We invite you to learn MORE of the interesting women from scripture, how they made a difference, their faith, lives and how they continue to influence women and men today!
Our guest speaker, The Rev. Anita Braden, an Episcopal priest, will present a second part to this interesting series on women who have been featured in scripture. Mother Anita has a wonderful way of bringing us into the stories in scripture that give us interesting and thought-provoking insights for our own lives.

Our workshop will include group discussions, prayer, and a soup & salad luncheon. There is no charge for this workshop, but we ask you to register early so we may plan enough for all.

Call or email to Register (262-728-5292 - by Thursday, April 26th.  Include your name, email, phone.

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